Tunnel Graft Case Study 2018-12-15T20:16:07+01:00

Project Description

Tunnel Graft Case Study

Case Background

Female, 60 years old, non-smoker

Non-contributory medical history

Case performed by Dr Minas Leventis, University of Athens, Greece

  1. Initial clinical view. Note thin residual bridge and atrophy of the soft tissues
  2. Vertical incision made distally to later incisor. Using a thin periosteal elevator, a sub-periostal tunnel was created
  3. 1cc of EthOss® injected into the tunnel using a graft gun
  4. Clinical view immediately post-op
  5. 12 weeks post-op. Adequate soft bone regenerated enabling implant placement. Note expansion of the new bone
  6. Additional grafting with EthOss®
  7. Tension-free closure
  8. 4 months post-op. Note augmented ridge and thick keratinised soft tissues
  9. Penguin ISQ measurement showing excellent stability for all implants (ISQ: 70-71)
  10. Prosthetic implant abutments in place, torqued to 35 Ncm
  11. Final cement-retained restoration


  1. Axial CBCT view
  2. Coronal CBCT view
  3. Periapical x-ray immediately after implant placement
  4. Periapical x-ray immediately after fitting the restoration

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