Lower Pre-Molar Case Study 2018-12-18T16:39:55+01:00

Project Description

Lower Pre-Molar Case Study

Case Study from EDI Journal 4/2014  pp 58-62

  1. Radiograph showing split root and resultant bone loss
  2. Lower right second premolar site at 3 weeks post extraction
  3. Site specific flap retaining the papillae, showing bone loss due to split root
  4. Radiograph of Osteotomy creation
  5. Re-angle Osteotomy more lingually, note osteotomy site
  6. Implant with buccal bone shortage
  7. Implant placed in best position ready for grafting
  8. Buccal graft with EthOss® to regenerate bone
  9. Radiograph of placed implant and graft placed
  10. Good soft tissue healing at 10 weeks and restoration of the ridge
  11. Radiograph at 10 weeks post placement showing raised bone level
  12. Flap raised to show newly regenerated bone at 10 weeks
  13. Site of core sample
  14. Core sample taken from above the implant to gain access. Sample sent for Histological analysis
  15. Histology by Professor David Mangham, Histopathologist, University Of Birmingham, UK
  16. Osstell meter reading at loading
  17. Loaded at 6 months
  18. Radiograph at 6 months

Case by Dr. Peter Fairbairn, Scarsdale Dental Aesthetic & Implant Clinic

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