Upper Pre-Molar Case 2018-12-18T16:30:34+01:00

Project Description

Upper Pre-Molar Case

  1. 3 weeks post extraction. Soft tissue healing
  2. Site specific flap to show bone defect
  3. Occlusal view of defect
  4. Osteotomy showing angle change mesio-palatally
  5. Implant placed for optimal position for restoration
  6. Implant placed for optimal position for restoration
  7. Grafted with EthOss®
  8. After 5 days at suture removal, improved profile
  9. Initial radiograph
  10. Radiograph showing graft with EthOss®
  11. At 12 weeks, flap raised to remove excess new bone and Osstell reading
  12. Osstell reading at 12 weeks (77 ISQ)
  13. Loading with an E-max crown
  14. Radiograph at loading
  15. Loaded 1 year, good attached gingiva
  16. Close up of soft tissue aesthetics at 1 year
  17. Radiograph at 1 year loaded
  18. Loaded 2 years, showing retention of both hard and soft tissue, functional loading

Case by Dr. Peter Fairbairn,
Scarsdale Dental Aesthetic & Implant Clinic

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