Tunnel Graft Case Study 2018-12-15T20:08:23+01:00

Project Description

Tunnel Graft Case Study

  1. Narrow ridge due to modelling
  2. Narrow ridge and reduced keratinized gingiva
  3. Incision distal to 5, lift periosteum
  4. EthOss® placed with graft gun and sutured closed
  5. Graft gun and EthOss® prior to mixing with sterile saline
  6. Radiograph of graft in-situ
  7. Assessment of implant placement (10 weeks following graft)
  8. Radiograph of implant placed (10 weeks following graft)
  9. Implant placed 10 weeks following graft. Image shows healing at 10 weeks following implant placement
  10. Also 10 weeks following implant placement, cap removed to take impression, there was no soft tissue grafting
  11. Osstell reading 75 ISQ
  12. Fitted 9 months
  13. Silver plug placement (anti-bacterial)
  14. Loaded 9 months
  1. Case by Dr. Peter Fairbairn,
    Scarsdale Dental Aesthetic & Implant Clinic

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