Lower Left First Molar Case Study 2018-12-15T20:19:16+01:00

Project Description

Lower Left First Molar Case Study

  1. Clinical view four weeks after extraction
  2. Site specific flap revealing the post-extraction socket and the residual part of the mesial root
  3. Clinical view after extraction of the root and thorough debridement of the site
  4. Implant placed at the correct 3D positioning. Note the bone defect between the implant surface and the surrounding bone walls
  5. Implant placed at the correct 3D positioning. Note the bone defect between the implant surface and the surrounding bone walls
  6. Bone grafting with EthOss®
  7. Tension free closure
  8. Clinical view after 10 weeks
  9. ISQ measurement taken
  10. ISQ measurement showing high secondary implant stability
  11. Occlusal view after placing of the healing abutment
  12. Maturation of the soft tissues 2 weeks after placement of the healing abutment
  13. Screw-retained metal-ceramic crown
  14. Crown fitted and torqued at 35Ncm
  15. Clinical view one year after loading of the implant
  1. Case by Dr. Minas Leventis,
    Scarsdale Dental Aesthetic & Implant Clinic


  1. Initial x-ray
  2. Periapical radiograph immediately after implant placement and bone grafting
  3. X-ray 10 weeks after implant placement and grafting showing the consolidation of the grafting material around the implant
  4. X-ray immediately after fitting the implant crown
  5. X-Ray one year after loading of the implant
  6. Originally printed in the European Journal for
    Dental Implantologists, Vol 13, Issue 2/2017

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