Project Description
Lower Left First Molar Case Study
- Clinical view four weeks after extraction
- Site specific flap revealing the post-extraction socket and the residual part of the mesial root
- Clinical view after extraction of the root and thorough debridement of the site
- Implant placed at the correct 3D positioning. Note the bone defect between the implant surface and the surrounding bone walls
- Implant placed at the correct 3D positioning. Note the bone defect between the implant surface and the surrounding bone walls
- Bone grafting with EthOss®
- Tension free closure
- Clinical view after 10 weeks
- ISQ measurement taken
- ISQ measurement showing high secondary implant stability
- Occlusal view after placing of the healing abutment
- Maturation of the soft tissues 2 weeks after placement of the healing abutment
- Screw-retained metal-ceramic crown
- Crown fitted and torqued at 35Ncm
- Clinical view one year after loading of the implant
- Case by Dr. Minas Leventis,
Scarsdale Dental Aesthetic & Implant Clinic
- Initial x-ray
- Periapical radiograph immediately after implant placement and bone grafting
- X-ray 10 weeks after implant placement and grafting showing the consolidation of the grafting material around the implant
- X-ray immediately after fitting the implant crown
- X-Ray one year after loading of the implant
- Originally printed in the European Journal for
Dental Implantologists, Vol 13, Issue 2/2017