Upper Left 4 Case Study 2018-12-15T20:49:33+01:00

Project Description

Upper Left 4 Case Study

  1. 3 weeks post healing, bone loss shown
  2. Flap raised to show bone loss
  3. Pilot bur showing bone loss
  4. Dio Implant placed
  5. Ostell reading taken at placement: 51 ISQ
  6. Grafted with EthOss®
  7. Sutured closed
  8. X-ray of grafted site
  9. Healed site at 12 weeks
  10. Raised flap to show new hard tissue
  11. Osstell now 75 ISQ showing integration
  12. 12 weeks healed site loaded
  13. Radiograph showing implant loaded at 12 weeks
  14. Loaded 2 years
  15. Radiograph showing implant loaded 2 years

Case by Dr. Peter Fairbairn,
Scarsdale Dental Aesthetic & Implant Clinic

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