Buccal Defect Case 2018-12-15T20:17:42+01:00

Project Description

Buccal Defect Case

  1. Pre-op view, 3 weeks following extraction to allow for soft tissue healing
  2. Site specific flap showing buccal defect
  3. Defect with post to assess angle of placement
  4. Placed implant showing the defect
  5. Grafted with EthOss® and set with sterile gauze
  6. Healed site at 12 weeks
  7. Healed site showing good soft tissue
  8. Flap raised showing the new true host bone
  9. Osstell reading 75 ISQ
  10. Recement at 4 years showing retention of tissue volume long term
  11. 4 years loaded showing tissue stability


  1. Radiograph of measuring post
  2. EthOss® set
  3. Radiograph of the healed new bone
  4. Radiograph at 4 years showing hard tissue stability
  5. Case by Dr. Peter Fairbairn,
    Scarsdale Dental Aesthetic & Implant Clinic

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