Project Description
Buccal Defect Case
- Pre-op view, 3 weeks following extraction to allow for soft tissue healing
- Site specific flap showing buccal defect
- Defect with post to assess angle of placement
- Placed implant showing the defect
- Grafted with EthOss® and set with sterile gauze
- Healed site at 12 weeks
- Healed site showing good soft tissue
- Flap raised showing the new true host bone
- Osstell reading 75 ISQ
- Recement at 4 years showing retention of tissue volume long term
- 4 years loaded showing tissue stability
- Radiograph of measuring post
- EthOss® set
- Radiograph of the healed new bone
- Radiograph at 4 years showing hard tissue stability
- Case by Dr. Peter Fairbairn,
Scarsdale Dental Aesthetic & Implant Clinic