Immediate Implant Case Study 2018-12-11T23:31:55+01:00

Project Description

Immediate Implant Case Study

Case Background

Patient: 68 year old, good general health.
Tooth: 14 slightly increased mobility, tenderness and bite pain.
Suspected root fracture.

  1. Bone defect with fenestration after extraction.
  2. Complete removal of granulation tissue with EthOss® Degranulation Burs.
  3. Implant with mount, bone defect visible.
  4. Bone defect filled (and modelled) with EthOss®.
  5. Closure with single sutures.
  6. Soft tissue healing 16 weeks following graft procedure.
  7. Final result at 16 weeks.
  8. Initial x-ray – tooth 14 periapical lesion.
  9. X-ray immediately after extraction with reference ball.
  10. X-ray at implant placement.
  11. X-ray after 16 weeks showing stable bone.

Case from Dr med. Dr. med dent. Oliver Lys, Switzerland.

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